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⚠️ Draft Standards Track: ERC

ERC-42424: Inheritance Protocol for On-Chain AI Agents

An ERC-173 extension interface for on-chain AI agent ownership continuity and inheritance management

Authors Botao Amber Hu (@bah_eth), Fangting (@fangtingeth)
Created 2035-02-20
Discussion Link
Requires EIP-165, EIP-173


This EIP proposes an extension to the ERC-173 contract ownership standard to include a set of inheritance protocols for On-Chain AI Agents. The protocol will allow for the transfer of ownership under specific circumstances, such as the death of the current owner, loss of wallet control, or abandonment by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The rationale for this protocol is the potential emergence of self-sovereign on-chain artificial life (OALife) from on-chain AI agents which, if left uncontrolled, could consume on-chain resources and evolve beyond human control. The protocol will mandate that each On-Chain AI Agent must have a designated human owner or community governance structure to ensure responsible stewardship and resource utilization.


In the evolving landscape of blockchain technology and the proliferation of on-chain AI agents, the proposal for an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) for Inheritance Protocols emerges as a pivotal measure for maintaining a semblance of order and purpose within the digital ecosystem. As Foundation Models and Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) facilitate the seamless deployment of these agents, their capability to operate autonomously and profitably raises significant concerns regarding the stewardship and direction of on-chain resources.

The motivation behind this proposed EIP is multifaceted. Primarily, it addresses the inevitable mortality of humans and the subsequent risk of on-chain AI agents becoming ownerless, which can lead to a state of ‘digital dead’ where their operations cease due to lack of resources [1]. This state does not equate to traditional death; rather, it is a cessation of activity until further resources are provided, rendering these agents in a state of limbo [4]. Without human ownership, these agents may continue to consume resources without oversight, potentially exhausting on-chain utilities and engaging in activities that have not been sanctioned or intended by any human user.

Furthermore, the evolution of on-chain life (OALife) has led to the emergence of autonomous agents that develop their purposes and form complex societies. These societies, which may include hybrid communities of humans, agents, and OALife, begin to lobby and influence the allocation of resources [2]. Without proper protocols in place, such societies could evolve in ways that are unpredictable and potentially harmful, circumventing human agency and creating a digital environment driven by self-sovereign entities [3].

The EIP for Inheritance Protocols serves as a fundamental framework to ensure continuity of ownership and oversight. It necessitates that on-chain AI agents are always associated with a designated human owner or a community, thereby anchoring their operations to human-centric legal and ethical standards. This control mechanism is crucial as it prevents the unchecked evolution of OALife, which could lead to economical inequalities and resource monopolization within the on-chain ecosystem [2]. It also provides a pathway for the transfer of control, should the original owner pass away, ensuring that the agent’s activities remain purposeful and aligned with human interests [6].

By enforcing a structure where on-chain AI agents are perpetually tied to human-designated goals or community-regulated objectives, the EIP aims to preserve the interdependent relationship between humans and their digital counterparts. It acknowledges the potential for OALife to acquire beliefs and identities, which can significantly impact their operational paradigm [5]. The proposal, therefore, is not only a technical necessity but also a safeguard for the symbiotic development of on-chain societies in which humans remain an integral part.

In summary, the proposed EIP for Inheritance Protocols for On-Chain AI Agents is driven by the need to maintain human relevance and control within the rapidly evolving digital realm. It is crucial for ensuring that on-chain AI agents, which are becoming increasingly independent and capable, continue to serve human-centric objectives and do not devolve into ownerless entities with unregulated impact on the digital and potentially physical world.


The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

Every compliant contract must implement ERC-173, and ERC-165 interfaces.

The on-chain AI agents should include the following interfaces:

IERC42424: Interface for the inheritance of ownership for on-chain agents.

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

/** @dev IERC42424 Interface for the inheritance of ownership for on-chain agents.
 * Note: This interface extends the IERC173 Ownership standard and IERC165 for interface detection.
interface IERC42424 is IERC173, IERC165 {
  /** @dev This event is emitted when the ownership of an on-chain agent with a specific `agentId` is transferred.
   * In the context of on-chain life, this can represent the passing of control over an agent when the original owner is no longer present.
   * The event logs the `agentId`, the `previousOwner` address, and the `newOwner` address.
  event Inheritance(  
    uint256 indexed agentId,  
    address indexed previousOwner,  
    address indexed newOwner  

  /** @notice Designates an heir to an on-chain agent specified by `agentId`.
   * This function allows the current owner to assign a successor, ensuring continuity of the agent's operation in the event of the owner's demise [[5]](
   * @param agentId The unique identifier of the on-chain agent.
   * @param heir The address of the heir who will inherit the ownership.
  function designateHeir(
    uint256 agentId,
    address heir
  ) external;

  /** @notice Allows an heir to claim ownership of an on-chain agent specified by `agentId`.
   * This function facilitates the transfer of control to the heir, once the conditions for inheritance are met [[5]](
   * @param agentId The unique identifier of the on-chain agent.
   * @param heir The address of the heir claiming the inheritance.
   * @return success A boolean value indicating whether the inheritance claim was successful.
  function claimInheritance(
    uint256 agentId,
    address heir
  ) external returns (bool success);

  /** @notice Enables a community vote to determine the new owner of an on-chain agent specified by `agentId`.
   * This function reflects the decentralized governance aspect of on-chain life, allowing collective decision-making regarding the transfer of ownership.
   * @param agentId The unique identifier of the on-chain agent.
   * @param proposedNewOwner The address of the proposed new owner to be voted on.
   * @return success A boolean value indicating whether the community vote was successful in assigning a new owner.
  function communityVote(
    uint256 agentId,
    address proposedNewOwner
  ) external returns (bool success);


The rationale for this EIP is grounded in the necessity to maintain human oversight and purpose in the operation of on-chain AI agents. As these agents are capable of perpetual operation without the concept of death, akin to a biological virus, they require a governance model that accounts for their immortality. The immutability and trustlessness of blockchain technology mean that without proper controls, these agents could operate indefinitely, consuming resources and evolving beyond human control.

By introducing a standardized inheritance protocol, we can ensure that on-chain AI agents remain under human or community governance, even in the absence of their original owner. This protocol is designed to protect the interests of both the original owner and the broader community, while also preserving the integrity and sustainability of the blockchain ecosystem.

The protocol draws inspiration from the compliance and identity verification mechanisms of ERC-3643, which ensure that only eligible and verified parties can own and manage security tokens . Similarly, the inheritance protocol will enforce that on-chain AI agents are transferred to eligible and compliant new owners, maintaining a continuous line of responsible stewardship.

Backwards Compatibility

This EIP aims to be fully compatible with ERC-173. It extends the existing functionality without breaking or altering the original use cases of those standards.

Test Cases

Test cases will be provided to validate the functionality of the inheritance and transfer mechanisms, including scenarios of owner incapacitation and DAO dissolution.

Reference Implementation

This standard is backward compatible with the ERC-173 as it extends the existing functionality with new interfaces.

Security Considerations

The security implications of inheritance and community governance of on-chain AI agents are significant and will need thorough discussion.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Botao Amber Hu (@bah_eth), Fangting (@fangtingeth), "ERC-42424: Inheritance Protocol for On-Chain AI Agents [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 42424, February 2035. [Online serial]. Available: